The GNSS technology domain counts among the most exciting and watched industry sectors for a number of years now. GNSS-driven innovations radically changed the way we live and, in many cases, it has created completely new industries and services.

Software & Hardware

Space innovations are based on challenging solutions at both hardware and software level. Cutting edge hardware and algorithms represent an extremely important and enabling factor for inovative positioning, navigation, tracking and timing solutions.


Because of its nature as a general purpose technology, GNSS impacted on serveral application domains such as Aerospace, Automotive, Construction, Industry 4.0, Defense, Precision Agriculture, Precise Maritine applications, Mapping, Survey, Precise Timing Applications and Unmanned Systems, to name a few.

A successful research project


Extended high performance mass market ready multi standard GNSS receiver

The project developed, prototyped and demonstrated a set of key features to enable a higher penetration of Galileo compatible receivers on the market. In addition to high accuracy RF technologies, smart integrity functions such as ultra-tight coupling with inertial sensors, improved performances thanks to an extensive improvement of telecommunication assistance dissemination as well as a robust anti spoofing function.

- A ready to market localization solution based on an efficient use of Galileo.
- Control key market levers technologies.
- Provide feedback both to standardization bodies, and to future Galileo signal definition, and on the products roadmaps (highly integrated GNSS ASICs).
- Development of an indoor navigation technology blending GNSS and LTE measurements.

Project Partners:
Thales Alenia Space (TAS-F), France
ST-Microelectronics (ST), Italy
ST-Ericsson Belgium (STEB), Belgium
ECLEXYS SAGL (EXYS), Switzerland
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC), France 


Nuovo testo: The improved GNSS functionalities are a key element in domains where position must be known with an accuracy higher than 0.5 m, as in automatic drive or railways


These technologies can scale rapidly, provide a means to capture operational expertise for broader deployment, and deliver services globally on a 24/7 schedule in multiple languages.

Satellite positioning guides our lives

GNSS positioning is nowadays a pervasive presence in work, leisure and security. ECLEXYS is at forefront of future developments

5 Future Technologies That Will Be Mainstream

As a recognized player in the field of European GNSS, ECLEXYS is committed to consolidating its position by taking on increasingly challenging objectives and facilitating the implementation of novel solutions for international users. Building on its expertise and track record in the GNSS domain, ECLEXYS is willing to leverage emerging technologies, including GALILEO and other exciting advancements, to address complex global challenges and unlock new opportunities.

1. The Internet

GNSS authentication and return channel: the boost in security and integrity control on GNSS signals will enable a widespread diffusion of new methods of safe access to mobile financial applications; return channel availability will be crucial in emergency beacons and other life-saving applications.

2. Automation

Sub-meter precision positioning (by GALILEO HAS and similar future services): well beyond standard GNSS capabilities, high precision localization will be the “launching pod” for autonomous drive and will definitively prevent any possibility of catastrophic crash in railways 

3. Cryptocurrency

LEO PNT positioning: the use of satellites closer to Earth will allow to exploit hundreds of additional satellites and much stronger signals, enabling localization also in urban canyon and indoor, counteracting malicious attacks (e.g. spoofing) and offering a backup to GNSS in case of disruption of the standard system

4. Blockchain

Artificial Intelligence in GNSS: ECLEXYS’ expertise in artificial intelligence allows to improve the robustness of position determination and to model in a more efficient way detrimental phenomena like ionospheric and tropospheric retardation, which impair rhe fundamental precision of GNSS algorithms. 

5. AI

Quasar and muometric positioning: these “blue sky” researches aim to evaluate wholly new concepts to allow positioning based purely on astronomic sources (not sensitive to human countermeasures by definition), or operating even underground by exploiting intriguing solutions made possible by particle physics.

"With their cell phone, they have access to all people; with GPS, to all places; with the Internet, to all knowledge. They inhabit a topological space of neighborhoods, whereas we lived in a metric space, coordinated by distances.”

Michel Serres
French philosopher and epistemologist